Jun 28, 20222 min


I just wanted to take a moment and welcome everyone that has signed up to my site. I'm always very appreciative of anyone who chooses to support my little corner of the interwebs!

As a token of my appreciation, I will be creating content (as time permits me) that will only be available to my site members.

But first, I'd like to introduce myself a little and to get to know you some too ( so feel free to introduce yourselves in the comments below!).

My name is Sabrina, but my friends and family call me Brie. I have been singing and studying music since I was 19, but I have always wanted to perform since I was about 3! I have taught in a few different music studios over the years, directed church choirs, and sung locally and internationally. Currently, I am continuing my studies online with an operatic soprano from Baltimore. I also have finally begun teaching voice again (online for now), so if you or anyone you know is interested in taking voice lessons, feel free to reach out! I also run a blog called Diary of a Soprano, where I share my love for both music and eco-beauty. My hubby and I live in the country in NY state, smack dab in the middle of farm and wine country so it's pretty much my idea of heaven! I'm a huge nerd that loves superhero shows and movies (both Marvel and DC) and at one time my dream was to be a comic book artist/writer. I also love horror movies, even though they give me nightmares! I love opera and classical music but when I am working on blogging or cleaning the house, I love to listen to more modern rock.

Well, enough about me..I want to learn about you!

Until next time,

Brie xo
